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The VUCA World - Are you ready?
Have you felt anxious lately? I wouldn’t blame you if you have. It is quite natural when we realize that the once stable and predictable world we knew has suddenly become a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world (VUCA World). This new world has caught many leaders off-guard as it demands new strategies and skills.
According to the 2020 CGS Enterprise Learning Trends Survey report, only 38% of L&D leaders felt they had programs that could help their business be future-proof. The VUCA world is a reality today with the prevailing pandemic that hit us this year. Though the term VUCA itself is over 30 years old (1987 - Derived by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus) it aptly fits the current situation. From politics, economy to market situations, everything is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.
So, What could go wrong really?
A VUCA world as we know today, could:
- Demand a total change in an organizational culture
- Jeopardize projects and developments
- Paralyze the decision-making process and increase the chances of making bad decisions
- Destabilize teams and make people anxious
- Demand extreme efforts and time to fight situations
The new world needs new ways of handling both business and people.
What can be done now?
Experts suggest that the first step to handle this situation is to calm ourselves down as leaders and focus on engaging people through positive communication. This will help the situation become less volatile and stressful. Another good idea is to go back to pen and paper as there is a lot of digitalization happening and that certainly reduces the tangibility factor. Write to-do’s, notes etc.
Leaders could also build new rituals that pave ways to create a new culture. It could be as simple as appreciating at least one person during the workday or sharing regular updates or even asking for feedback on how the team feels. The rituals build little by little certainty on a daily basis.
While all of this is being done, it certainly doesn’t reduce the complexity of the situation. History has proven that complex situations could be solved through effective teamwork. It is wise to involve the team to generate new ideas and solutions. Stick to your commitments and set an example for the team to follow.
One other aspect to handle in the VUCA world is the ambiguity. The best way to handle this is through thorough huddles every day. A good debrief towards the end of the day paves the way to a clear next day.
These are just a few of the tips that could help you get ready to handle the VUCA world. The real challenges might need more than just these. Have you checked or would you be interested in checking what our program “Leading Transformation at your organization” has in store for you?
Using a simulated environment to test your skills can help you in increasing the odds of handling the VUCA world better. The new norm is set and the world is changing as we read. The question remains. Are you ready?