GlassRoom-Where Eagles dare to “Learn”

Where Eagles dare to “Learn”

Yes, that’s right; the title is inspired by the Richard Burton classic. Anyone with a smart phone today knows the story of how eagles fly above the clouds during rains; and how they pluck their own feathers and undergo a complete transformation and wait patiently to grow theirs feathers and wings before taking a giant leap of faith in life.
Well, the eagles have dared to transform, have we?
That’s an interesting question for most organizations today. We’ve started looking at Learning as another checklist task and that needs to change. Learning is your business, remember that is what keeps you in the business. Just because the last generation embraced “Chalk and Talk” (What choices did we have anyways?), don’t expect it to work today.
The previous generation of learners had fewer environmental distractions. There were no phone calls, text messages, Snap Chat, Whatsapp, Messenger, App updates…..distractions to deal with. You want the millennial eagles to Learn, start engaging them with content that can also engage them at a psychomotor level. With Simulations in training, learners can DARE to experiment there, without consequences.